Since childhood I’ve been infatuated with music. Rock, pop, jazz, classical. I went through many phases over time, but the songs that stuck with me – no matter the genre – were the ones that struck a personal chord. It’s those memories of how those songs made me feel, and still do, that I try to translate into my own songs in the hope that my music might make you feel something.
While music has always been a part of my life, it wasn’t the only interest I had. Over the past decade I’ve shown interested in programming, marketing, social media and creative design. All skills which I’ve been able to craft and cultivate while working in corporate America (and through side quests). This accumulation of skills and a vial of liquid luck have helped me find my path. The path I’m excited to keep on walking.
As a business owner, I turn to music as a creative outlet, but I also try to incorporate it into my professional endeavors. There are a handful of tools I’m developing that I know will resonate with a larger audience, all of which I’m excited to share with you in the near/distant future.
In the meantime, stop by on Instagram and say hello!
– Peter Cors